Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Before i coming KL
my hobby is drawing...
i can drawing and drawing and drawing for everyday..
but nowadays i never touch pencil for drawing anymore..
that day suddenly 心血来潮..
drawed a cartoon...
not that nice,
but i just want to sharing it with you guys...

the cartoon that i drawed

my drawing, before this.... (actually not that 满意!)

this is that time i'm too boring, then i drawed it... not nice at all!!!~

this is the most tak puas hati punya work...

just wanna sharing, please don't think that i try to show off....!!! i know it isn't a good work..


Inn said...

Hey Ms.Cloudy, actually i just realize that you got such a big potential in art. Why don't you just go for it rather than just follow your dad's instruction??? I believe you can do it very well =)

Fortune Thinker said...

Canot! Must follow PAPA instruction! This is an order!

c l o u d i i_Y said...

dad's instruction? what you guys talking about? blur-ING~